Sagging cheeks; deepening laugh lines on either side of the mouth; a sagging jawline: if you’re concerned about signs of aging in your middle and lower face, a dermal filler called Radiesse could be the solution you’ve been looking for. At Plastic Surgery Specialists in Hollywood, we often turn to Radiesse to restore contour and volume to the cheeks and jawline. This injectable gel has an immediate effect, but it also stimulates the body’s own collagen production, which means your results will continue to improve after your initial appointment.
What Is Radiesse?
This treatment can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles and help fill in areas of the face that have begun to sag. Approved by the FDA, this dermal filler works particularly well in the cheeks, chin, and jaw area. It is also frequently used to address creased, aging skin on the hands. One of the key advantages of this filler is its longevity. After a single appointment, some patients enjoy results that last for as long as three years.
This injectable gel contains calcium hydroxylapatite, which has the same mineral content as human bones and teeth. Patients who have this injection enjoy almost immediate results. But one of the things that sets Radiesse apart from other fillers is that it also spurs collagen production, which means that the skin becomes plumper, smoother, and firmer during the week or two following the injection.
Once in place, this dermal filler serves as a scaffolding of sorts for collagen to develop on. Eventually, this dermal filler safely dissolves into the body, leaving behind the collagen that it helped generate.
Will It Help With Under-Eye Issues?
The fact that this dermal filler provides immediate support and volume while also stimulating natural collagen production makes Radiesse a great option for treating under-eye issues like bags, hollows, and dark circles.
What About the Lips?
This dermal filler is not designed for use on the lips.
What Else Can It Be Used for?
In addition to common cosmetic concerns like deep laugh lines and hollow cheeks, this dermal filler can also be used to fill in acne scars and re-contour the nose. We also often turn to this dermal filler to treat crepey skin on the backs of hands.
What Can I Expect During an Injection?
Treatments with this dermal filler are fast and easy. We’ll start by cleansing and numbing the treatment area to prepare it for the injection. We may also make a few marks on your face that we’ll use as guides during your treatment. The injection process itself often takes about 15 minutes to complete. You may feel a couple of brief pricks as the injection takes place, but most patients find it to be an easy appointment.
After your treatment, you’ll be free to get right back to your regular schedule and your normal routine. Some patients even schedule these treatments for their lunch hour. The only thing we ask of patients is that you stay out of the sun for a day or so after your treatment.
What Make Radiesse Different From Other Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers offer a number of different advantages. Although more subtle than a surgical facelift, these are generally easy and non-invasive treatments that offer patients relatively fast results with no downtime. But not every dermal filler is the same.
In fact, many of them work in completely different ways, and it’s not unusual for a patient to have more than one type of filler injected as part of an overall anti-aging strategy. Here are some ways that this dermal filler is different from the other ones on the market:
It’s Long-Lasting
One of the stand-out benefits of this dermal filler is that it lasts so long. Some other fillers last only 6 or 9 months, but Radiesse can last as long as 18 months. And after your first injection wears off, you can schedule repeat injections if you’re enjoying your results. If you want to fight back against the signs of aging, but you want a treatment that is quick, efficient, and long-lasting, this dermal filler is a great option.
Natural Ingredients
This is the only dermal filler available composed of calcium-based microspheres. This substance is made in a laboratory, so you don’t have to worry about it coming from animals. It’s also a natural ingredient, so you won’t need to have an allergy test. This injectable was approved by the FDA in 2006 and has been safely and widely used on patients ever since.
It Stimulates Collagen Production
Not every dermal filler encourages the body to begin producing its own collagen. By spurring collagen generation, this dermal filler encourages the body to rejuvenate itself, leading to results that are natural and gradual.
This means you won’t have to worry about your face looking too tight or too plastic after treatment. Instead, you’ll look relaxed, rested, and refreshed. Your friends and family may notice that you look more youthful and vibrant, but they may not be able to tell exactly what’s different about you.
Get Started Today
There’s a lot to like about this non-invasive dermal filler, which offers immediate results while also spurring your body to begin its own natural renewal process. Once you’ve undergone this treatment, you’ll look younger and more vibrant, and you’ll feel great about your appearance. Why wait? Get started today by calling Plastic Surgery Specialists in Hollywood and scheduling a Radiesse consultation.