Breast Augmentation Hollywood, FL

Whether due to genetic factors, post-pregnancy changes, or injuries, women may experience discomfort or feel self-conscious about the appearance of their breasts. Breast augmentation can be an effective way to achieve the desired breast size and shape, thereby potentially alleviating these concerns.

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida in Hollywood, FL, we offer breast augmentation surgery as one of our specialties. We understand that every patient’s body is unique, and we work closely with each one to determine the best approach for their desired outcome. We offer various implant options and strive to ensure natural-looking results that complement each patient’s anatomy. Whether someone seeks to enhance their breast size, correct asymmetry, or achieve a more proportional figure, our expert team is committed to delivering safe and effective breast augmentation surgery.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, often referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, is a transformative cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Whether you desire a subtle increase in volume or a more significant enhancement, breast augmentation offers a personalized solution to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation in Miami is one of our most popular procedures. This is because of the dramatic effect it has on a woman’s appearance and self-esteem. Aside from simply increasing their size, breast augmentation surgery can also be used to balance un-proportioned breasts, making them more symmetrical. Breast augmentation surgery has many positive benefits, including:

  • Provides a more proportioned and appealing female figure
  • Allows for more variety in clothing and swimwear options
  • Restores breast volume loss from various causes
  • Reduces back pain and improves posture

Breast Augmentation Before and After

Patient 1


Patient 2



Types of Breast Implants

Plastic Surgery specialists use the full spectrum of both saline and silicone gel breast implants available in the US. The choice of which to use is affected by breast anatomy, body type, and other factors that your doctor will discuss with you. Both types of implants are perfectly safe. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to closely monitor its use and study its long-term effects. Your safety is our utmost concern, and your plastic surgeon will provide answers to all of your questions. We want to ensure that you make an informed decision.

Saline implants consist of silicone shells that are filled with saltwater. The deflated implant is put in place during the surgery and filled with saline after it is positioned. Silicone breast implants also consist of silicone shells, but they are pre-filled with a silicone gel, which many feel more closely resembles the consistency of the fat and tissue that make up the female breast.

Teardrop Breast Implants: Alternative to the Traditional Round Implants

Teardrop, or Gummy Bear, breast implants are full on the bottom while tapering toward the top. Their slope can achieve a fuller bottom that many find more natural and closer to the shape of a woman’s breast. Ultimately, implant shape is a personal choice, and you and your doctor will consider factors such as body shape and how much breast tissue exists when choosing teardrop or round implants.

What to Expect During Breast Augmentation: Our Approaches

Safe Breast Augmentation In Miami

Our doctors offer many different procedures and approaches for breast implants in Miami. The trans-axillary breast augmentation procedure has the benefit of causing no scar on the breast whatsoever. That is because the breast implant is inserted through an incision in the armpit, effectively hiding the incision scar from view. Another popular approach is the incision made along the edge of the areola. This is called a peri-areolar incision. The contrasting dark and light colors on the edge of the areola help to make the incision scar discreet. Finally, an inframammary incision is placed in the fold at the bottom of the breast.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation Surgery

What can I expect during breast augmentation recovery?

The recovery period after breast augmentation varies from person to person, but most individuals can expect mild discomfort and swelling for a few days. We will provide comprehensive post-operative instructions and pain management strategies to ensure a smooth healing process. Physical activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks, allowing the body ample time to heal.

Will breast augmentation leave noticeable scars?

We employ advanced techniques to minimize scarring and ensure inconspicuous incision lines. Incisions are typically made in discreet locations, such as the natural creases of the breasts or around the areolas, to minimize visibility. With proper care and following our post-operative instructions, scars tend to fade over time and become less noticeable.

Will breast implants affect breastfeeding?

Breast implants typically do not interfere with breastfeeding, but discussing your plans for future breastfeeding with us during the consultation is essential.

How long will the results of breast augmentation last?

The longevity of breast augmentation results can vary depending on factors such as implant type, age, lifestyle, and changes in weight. While implants are durable, they may need adjustments or replacement over time to maintain desired results.

Will breast implants need to be replaced over time?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices and may need to be replaced or removed at some point in the future due to complications or natural wear and tear.

Can breast augmentation correct sagging breasts?

While breast augmentation can enhance breast size and shape, it may not address significant breast sagging. In such cases, a breast lift procedure may be recommended in combination with augmentation.

Who is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is an excellent option for individuals looking to enhance their breast size and shape. Ideal candidates generally have good overall health, have realistic expectations, and seek to achieve a more balanced and proportionate figure. We will assess your candidacy during the consultation and discuss the most suitable options tailored to your unique needs.

Get the Breast Enhancement You Envision in Hollywood, FL

Breast augmentation surgery is a big step for many women that can have dramatic effects on their appearance. If you are considering breast augmentation in South Florida, come to Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida for a unique experience that is second to none. You can trust us to help you make an educated decision that will result in the breast enhancement you envision.

Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida should be your first choice for breast augmentation in Miami and the surrounding areas. Nowhere else will you find doctors and staff more dedicated to your happiness and complete satisfaction. For years, we have helped women achieve the look they want, whether that means larger or better-proportioned breasts.

Sit down with one of our expert physicians to experience the difference of a plastic surgeon who is attuned to your desires and will work diligently to provide you with the results you envision. Call us at (954) 987-8100 to schedule an appointment.