Breast Lift in Hollywood, FL

Several factors, including aging, genetics, gravity, and pregnancy, can alter a woman’s breast size, shape, and position over time. While these changes are inevitable, a breast lift is often the best solution for correcting them. Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida in Hollywood, FL, leads the way in providing comprehensive breast lift services, offering a solution for those seeking to rejuvenate and enhance their silhouette. Our commitment is to provide transformative results and comprehensive care that ensures your comfort and safety throughout the journey.

What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, medically referred to as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to elevate and reshape the breasts. This treatment addresses concerns related to sagging breasts and decreased volume, which can occur due to age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and gravity. The breast lift procedure meticulously removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to raise the breasts to a higher position on the chest wall, creating a more youthful and perky appearance.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

Enhanced Breast Shape

The breast lift procedure revitalizes the breast’s shape, transforming a sagging or elongated profile into a more rounded and aesthetically pleasing form. This reshaping allows for a youthful appearance, aligning the breasts with the body’s natural contours.

Improved Breast Symmetry

Many women experience asymmetrical breasts, whether in size, shape, or both. A breast lift can correct these imbalances, ensuring that both breasts are symmetrical and harmonious in appearance.

Elevated Breast Position

Over time, breasts tend to sag and lose their youthful position. This procedure elevates the breasts to a higher, more natural-looking position on the chest, enhancing the body’s overall profile.

Reduced Under-Breast Irritation

Sagging breasts can cause skin irritation or rash under the breast crease. Lifting the breasts reduces direct skin-on-skin contact, alleviating discomfort and irritation.

Natural-Looking Results

Breast lift surgery aims for results that look and feel natural. We focus on achieving a balance between enhancement and maintaining the innate beauty of your breasts.

Long-Lasting Results

While no cosmetic procedure can stop aging, the results of a breast lift are long-lasting. Patients can enjoy their new silhouette for many years, especially with proper care and a healthy lifestyle.

What Are the Different Types of Breast Lifts We Provide?

Breast Lift With Implants

Combining a breast lift with implants provides both lift and volume, ideal for patients looking to address sagging while also enhancing the size and fullness of their breasts. This dual approach allows for comprehensive reshaping, ensuring that the breasts are lifted and proportionally augmented to fit the patient’s body frame and aesthetic desires.

No-Implant Breast Lift

A no-implant breast lift, or mastopexy without augmentation, focuses on repositioning and reshaping the natural breast tissue to achieve a lifted, firmer appearance. This option is perfect for individuals who are satisfied with their breast size but want to correct drooping or sagging. The procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening the remaining tissue to elevate the breasts.

Breast Reduction and Lift

For patients with larger breasts that contribute to physical discomfort or dissatisfaction with their appearance, a breast reduction and lift can be transformative. This procedure reduces the size of the breasts by removing excess breast tissue and skin while lifting them to a more youthful position. It addresses cosmetic concerns and physical discomfort, such as back and neck pain, making it a functional and aesthetic choice.

What to Expect During a Breast Lift


Your path to a breast lift starts with an in-depth consultation with us. During this meeting, we delve into your medical history, discuss your aesthetic goals, and explain the procedure options. This step ensures your procedure is customized to suit your body type and desired outcome, setting the stage for success.

Pre-Operative Preparations

After determining the best approach for your breast lift, we guide you through the preparation process. This includes instructions on medications, fasting, and what to bring on the day of surgery. Pre-operative preparations are designed to optimize your health and enhance the healing process.

The Day of Surgery

Anesthesia is administered to ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. We use precise techniques to lift and reshape your breasts, employing the latest technology and methods to minimize scarring and maximize outcomes.

Recovery and Aftercare

Immediately following your surgery, you’ll rest in our recovery area. We prioritize your comfort and safety, providing pain management solutions and monitoring your initial recovery. Before you leave, we’ll provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to support your healing at home.

Follow-Up Visits

Scheduled follow-up appointments allow us to assess your healing progress, address any concerns, and ensure that your recovery is on track. These visits are crucial for monitoring the success of your breast lift and making any necessary adjustments to your post-operative care plan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Lifts

How Long Does Recovery Take After a Breast Lift?

Recovery time can vary, but most patients can return to work and normal activities within one to two weeks post-surgery. Full recovery and the settling of breasts into their new shape may take several months. It’s important to follow post-operative care instructions closely to ensure optimal healing.

Is a Breast Lift Permanent?

While the results of a breast lift are long-lasting, they are not immune to the effects of aging, gravity, and changes in body weight. Maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the results.

Can I Have a Breast Lift If I Plan to Have Children?

It’s recommended to postpone a breast lift until you’ve finished having children, as pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the size and shape of your breasts, potentially altering the results of the surgery.

Experience Tailored Breast Lift Procedures in Hollywood, FL

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida in Hollywood, FL, we are dedicated to providing breast lift procedures tailored to meet your needs, utilizing the latest techniques for minimal scarring and optimal results. The benefits of your breast lift include a more youthful breast contour, improved symmetry, and enhanced clothing fit, all aimed at harmonizing your body’s proportions. We pride ourselves on delivering natural-looking results that align with your aesthetic goals. Contact us online or call us at (957) 987-8100 to schedule your consultation.