
Breast Reduction Recovery: Tips for a Smooth Process

If your breasts are larger than you would like, and they impact how you look or put a strain on your back, one of the options you have available is breast reduction surgery. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we offer breast reduction and lift procedures to help you get the look you want. But what is the procedure like, and what can you expect from the breast reduction recovery process?

Breast Reduction: What It Is and Who Is a Candidate

A breast reduction, also called a reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can decrease the size of your breasts by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin. It is a procedure women can benefit from, but did you know men can also get this type of surgery? 

Men with gynecomastia, a condition that causes male breast tissue to grow larger than it should, can also get a breast reduction and lift procedure. You may want to consider a breast reduction if the size of your breasts puts a strain on your frame, causing body posture issues, back problems, and neck discomfort. 

To be a good candidate for this procedure, you must meet the breast reduction weight requirements. The ideal BMI for this procedure is 18.5 to 24.9. It is a procedure that can benefit those who are close to their ideal weight. 

If you plan on losing a significant amount of weight, we recommend doing so before you get a breast reduction. When you come to a consultation with us, we can talk you through the breast reduction weight requirements and all of the other health prerequisites you must meet. 

You may not be a good candidate for this surgical procedure if you:

  • Smoke
  • Have health issues
  • Have blood clotting issues
  • Have circulation issues

Additionally, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to wait to get the procedure.

Breast Reduction Recovery: Helping Yourself Heal

Your breast reduction recovery process is one of the most important steps in the procedure, helping determine how quickly you heal and what kind of results you can expect. Some tips can make the process easier. 

Prepare Your Recovery Area

Before you get the surgery, you will need to set up a designated recovery area. If you have a home with two stories, choose the ground floor so that you don’t have to strain using stairs. You should gather all the items you will need as you recover. Some of the items you may want to consider are:

  • Books and magazines
  • Extra pillows
  • Incision care supplies
  • Your phone and emergency contact info
  • Filled prescriptions

Think about what you may need as you rest so that you don’t have to get up to fetch something since that can slow down the recovery process. 

Sleep in the Right Position

You will need to sleep on your back during your breast reduction recovery process, and you need to keep your head in an elevated position. Recliner chairs can help you manage this, but you can also achieve it by placing some extra pillows behind your head. 

Choose Healthy Meals

Your body needs as much help as possible when healing from a surgical procedure, and that means feeding it the right foods. Go for fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and lean protein like fish and chicken. Avoid salty foods because salt can lead to fluid retention, which you don’t want as you recover. 

You also need to ensure the meals are easy to prepare and fast to cook. The last thing you want is to have to stand around your counter slicing vegetables. You can prepare meals before your surgery or buy pre-prepared foods at the store if you don’t have someone to help you cook.

Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water. Your body needs water to flush out the rest of the anesthesia and help boost the healing process. For at least two weeks after the breast reduction surgery, avoid alcohol or carbonated drinks. 

Have Someone Checking on You

You can’t go through the recovery process on your own. Especially during the first couple of days, you should have someone stay with you to help. Not only can this give you peace of mind, since you will know someone is there to help should you need it, but it can also allow you to rest and not have to get up to fetch things you need. 

Don’t Smoke or Vape

Smoking can delay the healing process, so we recommend avoiding it for a few more weeks. Vaping can have the same effects on your healing, so stay away from that, too. 

Rest as Much as You Can

The best way to give your body the chance to begin healing correctly is to allow it to rest. You will need to take at least one week off from work, though two weeks off are even better. It is important to stay mobile after surgery, but you want to avoid anything too strenuous, like lifting items.

Wear Your Compression Bra

You should wear the compression bra for at least six weeks after the procedure. This bra keeps your breasts in an ideal position for healing. After those six weeks, you can switch to a strong sports bra. 

Get the Benefits of a Breast Reduction

If you want to have smaller breasts, whether for aesthetic or medical reasons, we can help at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida. Located in Hollywood, FL, we can offer a high level of care you can depend on. Call or contact us online to learn more about our procedures. 

If your breasts are larger than you would like, and they impact how you look or put a strain on your back, one of the options you have available is breast reduction surgery. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we offer breast reduction and lift procedures to help you get the look you want. But what is the procedure like, and what can you expect from the breast reduction recovery process?

Breast Reduction: What It Is and Who Is a Candidate

A breast reduction, also called a reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can decrease the size of your breasts by removing excess fat, tissue, and skin. It is a procedure women can benefit from, but did you know men can also get this type of surgery? 

Men with gynecomastia, a condition that causes male breast tissue to grow larger than it should, can also get a breast reduction and lift procedure. You may want to consider a breast reduction if the size of your breasts puts a strain on your frame, causing body posture issues, back problems, and neck discomfort. 

To be a good candidate for this procedure, you must meet the breast reduction weight requirements. The ideal BMI for this procedure is 18.5 to 24.9. It is a procedure that can benefit those who are close to their ideal weight. 

If you plan on losing a significant amount of weight, we recommend doing so before you get a breast reduction. When you come to a consultation with us, we can talk you through the breast reduction weight requirements and all of the other health prerequisites you must meet. 

You may not be a good candidate for this surgical procedure if you:

  • Smoke
  • Have health issues
  • Have blood clotting issues
  • Have circulation issues

Additionally, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will need to wait to get the procedure.

Breast Reduction Recovery: Helping Yourself Heal

Your breast reduction recovery process is one of the most important steps in the procedure, helping determine how quickly you heal and what kind of results you can expect. Some tips can make the process easier. 

Prepare Your Recovery Area

Before you get the surgery, you will need to set up a designated recovery area. If you have a home with two stories, choose the ground floor so that you don’t have to strain using stairs. You should gather all the items you will need as you recover. Some of the items you may want to consider are:

  • Books and magazines
  • Extra pillows
  • Incision care supplies
  • Your phone and emergency contact info
  • Filled prescriptions

Think about what you may need as you rest so that you don’t have to get up to fetch something since that can slow down the recovery process. 

Sleep in the Right Position

You will need to sleep on your back during your breast reduction recovery process, and you need to keep your head in an elevated position. Recliner chairs can help you manage this, but you can also achieve it by placing some extra pillows behind your head. 

Choose Healthy Meals

Your body needs as much help as possible when healing from a surgical procedure, and that means feeding it the right foods. Go for fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and lean protein like fish and chicken. Avoid salty foods because salt can lead to fluid retention, which you don’t want as you recover. 

You also need to ensure the meals are easy to prepare and fast to cook. The last thing you want is to have to stand around your counter slicing vegetables. You can prepare meals before your surgery or buy pre-prepared foods at the store if you don’t have someone to help you cook.

Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water. Your body needs water to flush out the rest of the anesthesia and help boost the healing process. For at least two weeks after the breast reduction surgery, avoid alcohol or carbonated drinks. 

Have Someone Checking on You

You can’t go through the recovery process on your own. Especially during the first couple of days, you should have someone stay with you to help. Not only can this give you peace of mind, since you will know someone is there to help should you need it, but it can also allow you to rest and not have to get up to fetch things you need. 

Don’t Smoke or Vape

Smoking can delay the healing process, so we recommend avoiding it for a few more weeks. Vaping can have the same effects on your healing, so stay away from that, too. 

Rest as Much as You Can

The best way to give your body the chance to begin healing correctly is to allow it to rest. You will need to take at least one week off from work, though two weeks off are even better. It is important to stay mobile after surgery, but you want to avoid anything too strenuous, like lifting items.

Wear Your Compression Bra

You should wear the compression bra for at least six weeks after the procedure. This bra keeps your breasts in an ideal position for healing. After those six weeks, you can switch to a strong sports bra. 

Get the Benefits of a Breast Reduction

If you want to have smaller breasts, whether for aesthetic or medical reasons, we can help at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida. Located in Hollywood, FL, we can offer a high level of care you can depend on. Call or contact us online to learn more about our procedures. 

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