
Breast Reduction Surgery: What’s Involved and How Long Does it Take?

If you are looking for a treatment option that can effectively reduce the size of your breasts, breast reduction surgery can help you. Breast reduction surgery can remove extra fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts. If your breasts are out of proportion to the rest of your body, breast reduction is perfect for you. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we offer breast reduction surgery. 

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that removes fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts. If your breasts are out of proportion or causing a painful neck and back, you can have breast reduction surgery. You can also combine a breast reduction with a breast lift. This will alter the shape, position, and size of your breasts with one surgical procedure. 

Your Initial Consultation

Before you have surgery, you should schedule a consultation with us. During the consultation, we will review your medical history and assess your current health status. We will also discuss any medical conditions related to your breasts that may affect your surgery. We create a comfortable environment so that you can feel at ease and disclose any information about your medical history, habits, and why you are considering a breast reduction. 

We will then discuss your desired outcome and assess your breasts. Knowing more about the procedure will help you to have realistic expectations. We will then take pictures of your breasts, measure them, and discuss how much tissue will be removed to achieve your desired goals. We will also give you an extensive and detailed guide for a comfortable and successful recovery so that you can enjoy the results of your surgery as quickly as possible. 

Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery

In preparation for your surgery, you may need to adjust a few things to ensure a successful procedure. Here are a few things to consider: 

  • If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking for a few weeks before having breast reduction surgery. This will ensure proper healing.
  • You may have to stop taking certain medications, such as anti-inflammatories, aspirin, and herbal supplements.
  • You should also be in good physical shape to ensure a smooth and quick recovery.
  • You should prepare loose clothing to wear after your surgery.
  • We also recommend you have plenty of gauze, clean washcloths, and towels at your disposal.
  • We will also prescribe special creams or ointments for your incision sites that you can apply yourself.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

We will perform breast reduction surgery on an outpatient basis, which means you can go home shortly after your surgical procedure. In rare cases, patients may have to stay overnight at the hospital for further monitoring. Before we begin, we will administer general anesthesia. 

The duration of your surgery will vary. However, it is typically done within a few hours. We may use different methods during your breast reduction surgery depending on the shape and size of your breasts, your desired outcome, and the amount of tissue that needs to be removed. 

If we need to remove excess fat from your breasts, we will use liposuction. This is ideal for small reductions and if you have good skin elasticity. After your surgery, we will insert drainage tubes to drain excess fluids from your breasts, close incisions with stitches or surgical tape, and fit a surgical bra to support your new breasts. 

Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

After your breast reduction surgery, you will need to take special care of yourself to ensure a speedy and successful recovery. You may need to take time off from work for at least a week and avoid exercise for at least a month after surgery. You may also need to make minor adjustments to your daily activities. 

Within the next few weeks, we will schedule follow-up appointments to remove bandages and stitches and assess your progress. We recommend that you get as much rest as possible during your recovery period. 

The Results of Breast Reduction Surgery

Immediately after your breast reduction surgery, your breasts will be swollen and appear larger. Over time, swelling will reduce, scarring will fade, and you will be able to see your results. You will also feel relief from pain and discomfort in your upper back, neck, and shoulders. 

You might also be able to take part in physical activities that you were not able to do before. Although factors such as age, weight changes, and pregnancy may change the size and shape of your breasts, the results you achieve with breast reduction surgery will last for many years. 

Am I a Suitable Candidate For Breast Reduction Surgery?

If you have fully developed breasts, have a stable weight, and lead a healthy lifestyle, you are a suitable candidate for breast reduction surgery. If you are planning on losing weight, it is recommended that you do so before breast reduction surgery. Some breast reduction weight requirements must be taken into consideration. We recommend you have a BMI of less than 30 to be more suitable for breast reduction. 

Breast Reduction Surgery in Hollywood, FL

If you are suffering from pain and discomfort in your back, shoulders, and neck because of the size of your breasts, you need to consider an advanced solution to address the issue. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we offer breast reduction surgery to improve your quality of life.

For more information on this procedure, call us at (954) 987-8100 or contact us online to schedule your initial consultation.

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