Breast Reduction Hollywood, FL

Sometimes a woman’s breasts are large enough to cause physical discomfort and serious health problems. Neck and back pain, bad posture, breathing problems, and even skeletal deformities can all result from having breasts that are too large for your body frame.

Furthermore, breasts that are excessively large can restrict a woman’s physical activity and ability to exercise. Breast reduction for symptomatic relief of back and neck pain from large and hanging breasts will sometimes be covered by your health insurance. We work closely with your insurance carrier to obtain approval when possible.

Reduction Mammoplasty: The Solution at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida can help decrease or even eliminate these symptoms. Our doctors in Hollywood, FL have had years of success helping women get relief from pain, as well as improving their self-image, by reducing the size and adjusting the position of breasts. Reduction mammoplasty is a good choice for women who:

  • Experience back and neck pain caused by heavy breasts
  • Experience pain and irritation from bra straps that are supporting heavy breasts
  • Have skin irritation under the breast crease
  • Have stretched breast skin or enlarged areolas
  • Have breasts that limit their physical activity

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction is a procedure that aims to bring balance between the body and the chest size. This surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin from the area to achieve the ideal size that you and your doctor have discussed. Breast reduction surgery isn’t just about achieving smaller breasts, it’s about creating an aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical contour and about improving your physical comfort. 

What Are the Benefits of Breast Reduction?

Improved Clothing Fit

One of the more immediate and noticeable benefits of breast reduction is the expanded wardrobe options. No longer limited by size and fit constraints, many women find that clothes sit better, fit more comfortably, and present a wider variety of fashion choices post-procedure. From swimwear to form-fitting dresses, the freedom to wear what you want can increase.

Improved Comfort

With the reduction of breast weight and volume, many women experience a significant reduction in physical discomfort. Gone are the days of pain and irritation from bra straps bearing the load of heavy breasts, or the skin chafing and irritation beneath the breast crease. The newfound lightness and balance often result in an overall increase in comfort in daily activities.

Improved Physical Capability

Breast reduction surgery is often about functionality. With smaller and lighter breasts, physical activities, from jogging to dancing, become far more accessible and enjoyable. The reduction in weight and size can lead to an overall enhancement in balance, agility, and the freedom to engage in sports or exercises without any hindrance or discomfort.

Improved Appearance

The procedure not only reduces breast size but can also reshape the breasts and provide a more youthful contour, leading to a balanced and proportionate silhouette.

Details of the Procedure and Techniques Employed

The breast reduction procedure involves removing fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida we commonly perform a short scar reduction and lift. That means we use a short, vertical incision. The lift is included because breasts that are too large will also generally hang too low. That is why a reduction mammoplasty with lift is the best choice to not only reduce volume but also reshape and improve symptoms with internal support. In some cases where there is excessive fat in the breast tissue, liposuction can also be employed to reduce it.

The techniques and procedures used will depend on the size of your breasts, their composition, the amount of reduction required as well as personal preferences. More women are turning to breast reduction surgery to improve the quality of their lives.

Understanding the Procedure: Step By Step


Safety and comfort are paramount when undergoing any surgical procedure. As such, the first step in a breast reduction procedure involves administering anesthesia. Depending on the individual’s health, preferences, and the surgeon’s recommendation, general anesthesia or another type of anesthesia will be used. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable and pain-free throughout the duration of the surgery.


Once anesthesia has taken effect, the breast reduction procedure begins. The first step is the incisions. These can vary based on the size reduction desired, the specific breast composition, and individual patient factors. Commonly used incision techniques include:

  • A circular pattern around the areola
  • A racquet or keyhole-shaped pattern, which encircles the areola and extends downward to the breast crease
  • An inverted T or anchor-shaped incision pattern

After making the incision, the surgeon will proceed to take out any extra breast tissue until the breasts are the size that the patient wants. In some cases, liposuction may be employed to assist with fat removal. The nipple and areola might also be repositioned or resized to ensure they align harmoniously with the new breast size and shape. Once the reduction and reshaping are completed, the incisions will be closed using sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.

Post-Op Recovery

The breast reduction recovery process begins immediately after the surgery. Initially, patients will be closely monitored in a post-operative recovery area of the surgical center. Here, any potential immediate post-operative complications can be swiftly addressed, ensuring the patient’s safety and well-being.

During this short-term recovery phase, bandages or gauze might be applied to the incisions. In some cases, a surgical support bra or elastic bandage may be recommended to minimize swelling and support the new breast contour as it heals. Additionally, small, thin tubes might be temporarily placed under the skin to help drain any excess fluid or blood that might collect.

Typically, patients are allowed to leave the surgical center on the same day, once they are deemed stable and comfortable. However, transportation should be arranged beforehand, since you will not be able to drive.

Post-Operative Care for Your Breast Reduction

Complete healing post-surgery takes time and care. Understanding your breast reduction recovery can help you to give your body the care that it needs. The first few days after surgery typically involve rest, avoiding strenuous activity, and ensuring that any prescribed medications are taken to manage pain and prevent infections. Over the next few weeks, wearing a surgical bra or a soft support bra without underwires will be necessary to support the breasts as they heal and minimize swelling.
As weeks progress into months, you can start to notice a gradual fading of scars, swelling reduction, and the emergence of the final breast contour. Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions meticulously, coupled with regular check-ups, can give you a smooth and effective recovery.

Breast Reduction FAQs

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction?

If you experience physical discomfort, limited physical activity, or self-consciousness due to overly large breasts, you might be a good candidate. It’s essential that candidates are in good health, have realistic expectations, and understand the surgical procedure and its implications. A detailed consultation with us will help determine your eligibility.

How Long Is the Recovery Process?

Breast reduction recovery varies for every individual. On average, most patients can return to non-strenuous work within one to two weeks post-surgery. Physical activities, especially those involving the upper body, should be limited for at least six weeks. Complete healing and settling into the final breast contour might take several months.

Will the Surgery Leave Scars?

Yes, any breast reduction procedure will leave scars due to the necessary incisions. The prominence and size of the scars depend on the surgical technique used. However, these scars tend to fade over time and can be minimized with proper post-operative care and scar treatments.

How Long Do Breast Reduction Results Last?

The results of breast reduction surgery are generally long-lasting. However, factors like aging, significant weight fluctuations, and hormonal changes can influence breast size over time. Regular check-ups and maintaining a stable weight can help prolong the results.

Is a Breast Reduction Different From a Breast Lift?

Yes, while both procedures aim to enhance the breast’s appearance, their objectives are distinct. Breast reduction primarily focuses on reducing the size of the breasts by removing excess tissue and skin. In contrast, a breast lift primarily aims to elevate and reshape sagging breasts without significantly altering their size. Breast reduction and lift are often combined into one surgery.

What Are the Breast Reduction Weight Requirements?

Insurance providers often set specific criteria related to the weight of tissue removed for breast reduction coverage. Breast reduction weight requirements vary and can be anywhere from 200 to 600 grams. Coverage can depend on other factors, as well. Always consult with your insurance company and surgeon to clarify eligibility based on weight specifications or other factors.

Schedule a Consultation at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida

If you have any questions about breast reduction, your next step is to schedule an appointment. A consultation with your physician at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida will answer all of your questions and provide you with the information you need to make the right choices for your breast reduction in Hollywood, FL. Call (954) 987-8100 or contact us online today to get started.