
The Lowdown on Male Breast Reduction

Enlarged breasts in males can have a negative impact on various aspects of life. Many men who have this condition feel self-conscious about doing anything that involves removing the shirt. That includes swimming, taking a shower at the gym, or being around people without being fully clothed. Instead of living with the condition, it makes sense to find a way to resolve it. Here are some facts you should know about enlarged breasts and what type of male breast reduction strategies are available.

What is the Name of the Condition?

Enlarged breasts in men is referred to as gynecomastia. The condition involves the swelling of the tissues in the breasts. Males of all ages may develop this condition.

Gynecomastia is more common than most people think. There are studies indicating that approximately three million males in the United States alone are diagnosed with this condition annually. Fortunately, it is possible to treat gynecomastia in a number of ways, including male breast reduction surgery.

What are Some of the Causes of Gynecomastia?

There are several common causes of enlarged breasts in males. Genetic factors are one example. Obesity also leads to this condition. Hormone imbalances as well as certain medications may be the underlying cause. Even excessive alcohol consumption may lead to gynecomastia.

Is Surgery the Only Solution?

Male breast reduction surgery is often the most practical solution to enlarged breasts. However, you need a professional to determine the underlying cause. For example, medication may be the reason for the enlarged breasts. If that’s the case, changing to a different medication may allow the breast tissue to gradually return to a normal size. When the condition is due to genetics or not related to another health issue, we will go over the different surgical procedures that will reverse the condition.

How Long Will the Surgery Take?

There are different approaches to male breast reduction surgery. We will talk with you during the consultation about which one is right for you. The most popular option is liposuction. This removes breast fat while leaving the gland tissue intact. In some cases, excess skin is removed as well. The exact details and length of the surgery vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors.

Talk to Our Surgeon to Learn More

Male breast reduction is a simple solution that could truly change your life. Schedule an appointment at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida to learn more about this procedure. After determining the cause for your enlarged breasts, we’ll go over the appropriate solutions and arrange for your male breast reduction surgery if that’s what you need. Contact us today to set up your consultation at our office in Hollywood, FL.

Yoav Barnavon, MD, FACS

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