Tummy Tuck Hollywood, FL

Are you tired of seeing excess skin and stubborn fat in your abdomen, despite committing to a healthy diet and consistent fitness regimen? While eating healthy and exercising are keys to slimming down, not all fat and loose skin may accommodate your efforts. Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a highly advanced procedure we perform for people of all genders looking to finalize their perfect figure. 

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida our board-certified cosmetic surgeons excel in body contouring procedures, including tummy tuck. We are excited to meet with you, discuss your aesthetic goals, and help make them a reality. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation at our office in Hollywood, FL, and discover if this procedure may be the right choice for you!

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Our tummy tucks in Florida are cutting-edge cosmetic procedures that are performed to tighten and flatten the abdomen to craft a slimmer appeal. Excess skin around the abdomen is often caused by dramatic weight loss or pregnancy, among other factors. While this procedure isn’t meant to serve as an alternative to a healthy lifestyle or as a weight loss solution, it is ideal for those looking to put the finishing touches on their body transformation.

What Are the Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

Full Abdominoplasty

This is what most people typically think of when they hear the term tummy tuck. It involves an incision that runs from hip bone to hip bone, and it can entail repairing or suturing muscles in the abdominal wall. This procedure is designed for those who need more correction.

  • Benefits: It offers a dramatic transformation, especially for those who have experienced significant weight loss or have gone through multiple pregnancies. It addresses excess skin and can also repair weakened or separated muscles.
  • Ideal Candidate: The best candidates are individuals with a lot of excess skin or those with separated abdominal muscles due to pregnancy or other reasons.
  • Recovery: Recovery from an abdominoplasty surgery is generally longer than that of a mini abdominoplasty. It’s essential for patients to follow post-op care instructions and allow the body time to heal.

Mini Abdominoplasty

As the name suggests, a mini abdominoplasty is a less invasive version of the full abdominoplasty. It involves a smaller incision and is focused mainly on the lower abdomen.

  • Benefits: This procedure is quicker, often has a faster recovery time, and is great for addressing minor pouching or sagging in the lower abdomen.
  • Ideal Candidate: The best candidates are those who are close to their ideal body weight but are looking to fine-tune and address small amounts of excess skin or minor muscle laxity.
  • Recovery: Recovery is generally quicker than a full abdominoplasty, but it’s still vital for patients to rest and follow their doctor’s recommendations for the best results.

What Can a Tummy Tuck Achieve?

Flatter and Firmer Abdomen

A primary benefit of a tummy tuck is its ability to offer a flatter and firmer midsection. By tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin, patients can achieve a more sculpted and toned appearance. It can be ideal for those grappling with concerns that can’t be rectified with exercise like sagging skin, stubborn fat, or separated muscles.

Possible Reduction in Stretch Marks

While tummy tuck surgery isn’t primarily aimed at stretch mark removal, it holds the potential to reduce their visibility. This is primarily because the procedure can involve the removal of skin containing these marks, often located on the lower abdomen.

Alleviation of Skin Irritation

Excess, sagging skin might lead to various skin irritations, from rashes to infections caused by skin-on-skin friction. An abdominoplasty can address these discomforts by excising the problematic skin, offering relief especially to those who frequently experience irritations beneath the abdominal fold.

Reduced Fat

Although not a substitute for weight loss, the tummy tuck procedure can eliminate stubborn fat pockets that resist both diet and exercise. It’s a favored option for individuals near their ideal weight but who still grapple with persistent abdominal fat.

Improved Body Contours

Through abdominoplasty surgery, patients can expect to see refined body contours, resulting in a harmonious and balanced silhouette. This is particularly beneficial for individuals desiring a more proportional physique.

Enhanced Clothing Options

Post-procedure, many find that their range of viable clothing options expands significantly. With a flatter abdomen, clothes often fit more comfortably, and it can be easier to find options that fit when you go shopping.

Increased Motivation for a Healthy Lifestyle

Seeing the changes to your body post-surgery can serve as a powerful motivator. Many individuals feel propelled to sustain their results through consistent exercise and a balanced diet, viewing their newfound physique as an impetus for ongoing health and wellness.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

During your tummy tuck procedure, a small incision is made from hip to hip near the pubic region, allowing our board-certified cosmetic surgeons to access the abdomen and reposition the belly button to maintain a natural look. Additionally, abdominal muscles are tightened to establish a more toned appearance. Once the procedure is done, the incision will be sealed. While this is what a general tummy tuck procedure entails, your procedure will be based on what you are looking to accomplish. 

What Can I Expect in Terms of Recovery?

After your surgery, your board-certified surgeon may advise setting aside between 7-14 days of downtime to properly heal. More time may be in order depending on the extent of your procedure. A compression garment may be recommended to minimize swelling. We will provide you with aftercare instructions to ensure a faster, optimal recovery. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Tummy Tucks

Is a Tummy Tuck Right For Me?

If you are bothered by excess skin around the abdomen as a result of pregnancy or a drastic weight loss, a tummy tuck in Florida may be an option to consider. Our surgeons can properly determine if a tummy tuck may be right for you following an evaluation of the targeted treatment area and a discussion regarding your medical history. 

What Is the Difference Between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

A tummy tuck primarily focuses on removing excess skin and tightening the abdominal muscles to create a firmer and flatter stomach. In contrast, liposuction aims to eliminate stubborn fat pockets from various areas of the body but doesn’t address skin laxity or muscle tone. While both procedures can significantly enhance the abdominal area, they serve different purposes and can sometimes be combined for comprehensive results.

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Take?

The duration of tummy tuck surgery varies based on the complexity and the specific type of procedure chosen. A mini abdominoplasty might take between one and two hours, while a full tummy tuck could extend between two and four hours. However, these are general estimates, and the exact duration will be determined by your individual needs and the specific details of the procedure.

Will I Have a Visible Scar After the Surgery?

After a tummy tuck, there will be a scar where the incision was made, typically from hip to hip near the pubic region. However, the incision is strategically positioned to ensure the scar can be easily concealed beneath underwear or a swimsuit. With proper aftercare and time, the scar often fades considerably, becoming less noticeable.

How Long Will It Take to See Tummy Tuck Results?

Post-abdominoplasty, initial results can be seen almost immediately, especially the reduction in skin laxity. However, due to swelling and the recovery process, the final results typically emerge over several months. As the body continues to heal and settle, the full transformative effect of the procedure becomes evident.

How Long Will My Tummy Tuck Surgery Last?

The outcomes from a tummy tuck procedure are designed to be long-lasting. With proper care, a balanced diet, and regular exercise, results can be maintained for many years. However, significant weight fluctuations, pregnancies, or aging can impact the longevity of the results.

Can My Belly Button Shape Be Corrected With a Tummy Tuck?

Absolutely. During a tummy tuck, the belly button is often repositioned to ensure a natural look. If there are concerns about its shape or appearance, corrections can be made during the procedure to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Tummy Tuck Specialists in Hollywood, FL

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we offer a comprehensive spectrum of both surgical and non-surgical options for all of your unique needs. If you would like to learn more about our tummy tuck procedures or other services, you can  contact us today at (954) 987-8100 to schedule your initial consultation! You can also reach out to us online. We look forward to hearing from you!