
A Deep Dive Into How Long a Breast Augmentation Surgery Takes

If you are unhappy with the natural size, proportion, or shape of your breasts, or if your breasts have changed since having children or losing weight, you are not alone. Many women feel self-conscious because of breasts that are small or uneven in size. Breast augmentation is a solution for women who want to increase their breast size or resolve a discrepancy in sizes between both breasts.

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida we offer breast augmentation services with world-renowned and board certified plastic surgeons who have many years of experience in breast augmentation. We can help you determine if breast augmentation is right for you and help you prepare for the surgery itself.

What Is a Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a surgery that is used to increase breast size through the use of implants. It is also sometimes performed through fat grafts, also called a fat transfer breast augmentation. Through our breast augmentations we can achieve customizable results, improving the overall size and appearance of your breasts. With today’s methods and practices, breast implants can provide beautiful and natural-looking results.

Breast augmentation surgery can either be done with saline breast implants that are filled with sterile saltwater, or with silicone implants that are filled with silicone. The type of implant that is best for you may depend on factors such as your age, the amount of existing breast tissue, and the results that you want to achieve through your breast augmentation surgery.

What Are the Factors That Can Determine the Duration of Your Surgery?

One of the most common questions that our patients ask is regarding the length of the breast augmentation surgery itself, as well as the recovery. When it comes to your breast augmentation surgery, the duration can depend on several different factors.

The Type of Implant You Choose

The type of implant that you choose with your doctor can impact the length of your surgery. If you choose a saline implant rather than a silicone implant, the surgery may be shorter. This is largely due to the incision size.

The Size of the Implant

The size and shape of the implant will affect the duration of your surgery. Some implants take longer both to insert into the breast tissue and to put into the correct location. If you have a teardrop shaped implant, your surgeon will want to spend additional time making sure it is placed in a natural-looking position.

The Size and Location of the Incision

Incisions can be made in different areas depending on the type of implant being used, surgeon preferences, and other factors. Implants can be inserted through an incision in the crease of the breast, through an incision in the armpit, or through an incision in the areola. Certain incisions may take more time than others.

Where the Implant Is Placed

Implants can either be placed on top of the muscle or underneath the muscle. This is often determined by how much breast tissue the patient has, the shape of breasts that the patient wants, and how fast they want their recovery to be. Implants that are placed under the muscle may require a longer surgery.

Differences in the Patient’s Body

Everyone’s body is different. If you have more breast tissue, it may take longer for your surgeon to place the implant in the correct position and to get a shape that looks natural. A consultation with your surgeon can give you a better idea of how long the surgery may take in your situation.

The Expertise of the Surgeon

Surgeons who are more experienced and who have performed many breast augmentations will be able to perform the surgery faster and with as little trauma to surrounding tissues as possible. Breast augmentations are one of the most common surgical procedures at our practice and we perform many every year.

Whether You Are Combining Treatments

Breast lift and augmentation are frequently performed at the same time. If you are having other surgical procedures performed such as a breast lift or a tummy tuck, the surgery time will increase. This will depend on the type of procedure that is included.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Recovery after a breast augmentation is something that we closely monitor and guide you through. We want you to have a smooth recovery. We recommend taking one to two weeks off of work to focus on your recovery. While you can resume very light activities almost right away such as walking, you should avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for two weeks or more depending on the type of surgery that was performed.

You may need to wear a special bra to help keep the implants in place and to reduce any swelling in the area. You will likely be prescribed medications to take in the days after your surgery. It may take time for the area to fully heal and for your breasts to settle into position. We will schedule follow-up appointments to check on your progress.

More Information About Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you want to learn more about breast augmentation surgery, you can reach out to us at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida. We can help guide you through the process of choosing the right type of implant, the size of the implant, incision location, and much more. You can also view our breast augmentation before and after gallery on our website to see examples of our previous surgeries. Call us today at 954-987-8100, or schedule a consultation in Hollywood, FL through our website. 

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