
Before & After Eyelid Surgery: A Guide to What You Should Know

Age can often cause changes in the areas on and around the eyes. Sagging eyelids, puffiness, eye wrinkles, and bags are all common with aging skin. Because the skin is so delicate near the eyes, these signs can be more apparent in this area than in others. An eyelid lift can provide transformative results both aesthetically and functionally. 

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, we seek to refresh your facial aesthetics by addressing drooping, sagging, wrinkles, and puffiness around the eyes and improving your vision if heavy lids have begun to obscure your line of site. With our surgeries, we can offer you a youthful and invigorated appearance. If you want to learn more about our blepharoplasty surgeries in Hollywood, FL, we are happy to give you a quick glimpse at the preparation, the surgery, and the care that follows. 

What Is Blepharoplasty?

A blepharoplasty, sometimes called an eyelid lift, is a type of surgical procedure that removes excess skin from the upper lid, the lower lid, or both to improve the appearance of the face and eyes or to resolve vision problems as a result of sagging or heavy eyelids. Whether your concerns are congenital or due to aging skin, blepharoplasty can provide a good solution.

What Are the Types of Blepharoplasty?

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery focuses on the removal or adjustment of excess skin and fat from the upper eyelid. This can be done to combat signs of aging as the skin in this area can become less elastic over time and begin to droop. 

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery removes or repositions the excess skin and fat that can sometimes be under the eye. This can often be a good solution for eye bag removal since it can lift and tighten this area making you appear less tired.

Combination Eyelid Surgery

A combination surgery, which includes both upper and lower eyelid surgery, can be performed when the patient has concerns in both of these areas that can be corrected through surgery. This procedure can provide a balanced and harmonious result and combines the recovery time of both surgeries into one.

Why Consider Blepharoplasty?

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, it is important to consider all of your options since not everyone is a good candidate for these procedures. Eyelid surgery can be considered in cases where there is moderate to severe sagging, drooping, or wrinkling on the eyelids or if you need a more targeted or comprehensive treatment for eye bag removal.

You can also consider blepharoplasty if you have asymmetry in your eyelids that you want to resolve or if your vision is suffering from sagging upper eyelids. The best candidates for an eyelift are those who are in good general health, are non-smokers, have realistic expectations, and don’t have any serious eye conditions that could make them unsuitable for the procedure.

The Procedure: What to Expect

Before Surgery: Preparing for Your Blepharoplasty

Before your blepharoplasty, you will have a pre-surgery appointment with us to discuss your medical history and to have a physical exam to ensure that you’re a good candidate. Depending on your individual circumstances, you may need to stop taking certain medications and supplements to reduce bleeding and bruising.

During Surgery: What to Expect

Eye lift surgery usually takes around an hour to perform, depending on the scope of the procedure and whether you have opted for surgery on both the upper and lower lids or just one of these. You and your surgeon will discuss anesthesia, but many blepharoplasty procedures can be done under local anesthesia. 

Incisions are made where there are natural creases in your eyelids, which helps to hide the scars after recovery. Once the incisions are made, fat may be removed or repositioned, and excess skin is removed. Then the incisions are closed and the surgery is complete.

After Surgery: Post-Operative Care

Taking care of yourself after eyelid surgery is an important step in the process. The day after surgery, you will likely experience normal bruising and swelling which you can manage with a cold compress and medication. You may be instructed to keep your head elevated during sleeping and to minimize strenuous activities during the day. 

One week after surgery, you may be able to have your stitches removed if necessary and some people feel comfortable returning to work. By two weeks, most people have returned to their normal schedules according to their surgeon’s advice. While the incisions generally fade significantly by one month after the eye lift, it can take up to a year for them to fade to their fullest extent. 


Is Eye Lift Surgery Covered By Insurance?

If your vision is obscured by sagging eyelids, your surgery may be covered by your insurance. However, this can depend on the type of coverage that you have. 

How Long Do Results of Eyelid Lifts Last?

The result duration can vary depending on the type of eyelid surgery you have as well as individual circumstances. Lower blepharoplasty can last indefinitely while an upper eyelid surgery may last between five and seven years 

Will Results Look Natural?

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, the results of your blepharoplasty can look very natural. This procedure refreshes and lifts your eyes into a position that suits the contours of your face. 

Blepharoplasty Surgery in Hollywood, FL

At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, our blepharoplasty surgeries can rejuvenate your appearance and make you look younger and more balanced. This simple procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, and recovery from it can be fast and relatively easy. If you want a consultation to discuss your candidacy for this surgery, you can schedule one in Hollywood, FL, by calling (954) 987-8100 or contacting us online.

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