Do you have pockets of excess fat that won’t go away even with exercise and diet? If you are ready to get rid of this stubborn fat, it might be time to consider liposuction.
Liposuction is also referred to as liposculpture and lipoplasty. This is a surgical procedure capable of removing fat in specific areas. This is accomplished with a vacuum pump machine and a tool called a cannula. A tube is used to connect the cannula to the pump and this is inserted into the area where the targeted fat is by our surgeon.
Liposuction is very effective for removing fat on the outer and inner thighs, the abdomen, above the knees, under the neck and chin, on the flanks, the buttocks, the hip area, the upper arms, and anywhere stubborn fat pockets exist. Liposuction is a delicate procedure because the doctor is careful at making sure to extract the right amount of fat from the targeted area.
Not everyone in Hollywood, Florida is a good candidate for having liposuction. It is very important the potential patient is in good health and does not have any pre-existing medical conditions or active diseases. Our surgeon must understand what results the patient expects to see after the procedure.The best way to determine if you are a candidate is to schedule a consultation first.
To be considered for this procedure your weight should be within approximately twenty percent of your ideal body weight. There are surgeons who believe fifteen to thirty percent is a more accurate representation. An individual close to their ideal body weight with areas of fat resistant to exercise may be a good fit as a candidate.
Having liposuction can be a decision for anyone. It is a good idea to have a consultation regarding the procedure prior to making a definite decision. Any questions should be asked and the answers understood. When an individual is a good candidate for liposuction the results are generally excellent. Once the procedure is fully understood and the patient has been qualified there is no reason to wait.
If you are struggling with the presence of stubborn fat, maybe it’s time you consider liposuction. Reach out to our office here at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida to learn more about your treatment options. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!