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What Is the Best Age to Get Plastic Surgery?

The best age for someone to get plastic surgery varies depending on the individual’s goals and motivations. That said, more and more men and women are choosing to undergo cosmetic procedures at a younger age. This is often because they want to look their best for as long as possible. Our team at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida located in Hollywood, FL, offers a variety of procedures that can help enhance your appearance.

What Is the Best Age to Get Plastic Surgery?

The best age to get plastic surgery depends on a number of factors. First, it is important to consider the reason for wanting surgery. If you are looking to correct a birth defect or address a medical issue, then surgery may be appropriate at any age. However, if you are considering elective surgery for cosmetic reasons, then it is essential to wait until your body has fully developed.

For example, most girls reach full breast development by age 18, so if you are considering breast augmentation, it is best to wait until then. In general, it is also advisable to wait until you are done having children before undergoing any type of body-contouring surgery, as pregnancy and weight fluctuations can alter your results. Ultimately, the best age for cosmetic surgery is different for everyone, and it is best to consult with us to discuss your specific goals and concerns.


When you come in for a consultation to discuss cosmetic surgery, there are a few things we will cover. First, we will discuss the type of surgery you are interested in and ask about your goals for surgery. We will also discuss your overall health and any potential risks associated with surgery. Finally, we will go over the cost of surgery and what payment options are available.

By the end of the consultation, you should have a clear understanding of the procedure and what to expect in terms of results and recovery. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask during this meeting. We want you to feel confident and informed about your decision to have a cosmetic procedure.

Some of the Plastic Surgery Procedures We Offer

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. There are different approaches that can be used for breast implants, and the type of implant will be determined by our surgeon based on the patient’s desired look. The most common approach is trans-axillary, which involves making an incision in the armpit. This approach is less invasive and leaves no scar on the breast whatsoever.

Another approach is the submuscular technique, which involves making an incision in the crease beneath the breast. This approach provides more coverage for the implant and may result in less visible scarring. At our office, we prefer to use teardrop or gummy bear implants, which are a better option for patients who do not want to have traditional round implants.

Nasal Surgery

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic procedure that can change the shape, size width, and tip of your nose. This procedure can also be performed to correct a structural defect. There are two main types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. During an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in the tissue between your nostrils. This allows us to have a clear view of your nasal anatomy and make any necessary changes. A closed rhinoplasty involves making incisions inside your nostrils, so there are no visible scars.

The type of rhinoplasty that’s right for you will depend on your specific needs. The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Recovery can take a few weeks, but you should see a noticeable improvement in the shape of your nose soon after surgery.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is a procedure to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. The surgery can correct drooping eyelids and puffy bags beneath your eyes. Blepharoplasty can also revitalize your appearance and make you look more rested and alert. The first step in the procedure is to administer local anesthesia to numb the area around your eyes.

Once you are unable to feel any sensation in the treated area, we will make incisions following the natural lines of your eyelids. Through these incisions, excess skin and fat will be removed. In some cases, the muscles responsible for causing drooping eyelids may also be tightened. You will be able to return to work and other activities within a few days, although you may need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks as you heal.


Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help to contour the body by removing excess fat deposits. Although it is most commonly used to target areas like the abdomen, thighs, and arms, liposuction can be performed on almost any area of the body.

The exact technique will vary depending on the location being treated, but in general, a small incision will be made and a cannula (a thin tube) will be inserted beneath the skin. We will then use the cannula to break up the fat cells and suction them out of the body. Results are typically permanent, although some patients may require touch-up procedures down the line if they experience significant weight loss or gain.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and may also involve tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. This results in a flatter, more toned appearance. Tummy tucks are often performed in patients who have undergone massive weight loss, as well as in mothers who wish to improve their appearance after childbirth.

The procedure can be accompanied by liposuction to further contour the body. Patients will need to wear a compression garment to achieve optimal results as well as help support the healing process.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in the enlargement of breast tissue in males. It can occur as a result of hormonal changes, certain medications, or an underlying medical condition. While it is not a harmful condition, gynecomastia can be a source of concern or discomfort for many men.

There are a number of treatments available for gynecomastia. One option is surgery, which involves the removal of excess breast tissue. This can be done through liposuction or excision, and the choice of procedure will depend on the individual case.

Pectoral Enhancement

The chest is one of the most noticeable areas of the body, and many men feel self-conscious about having a small or underdeveloped chest. Pectoral enhancement can help to create a more masculine appearance by increasing the size and definition of the chest muscles.

The procedure is fairly straightforward and involves placing an implant or injecting a synthetic filler into the pectoral muscles. The filler will add volume to the muscle tissue, resulting in a more defined and muscular chest. There are several different types of fillers that can be used, and we will help you choose the best option for your needs.

Gluteal Enhancement

The gluteal enhancement procedure for males is performed to help improve the size and shape of the buttocks. The procedure involves injecting a dermal filler into the gluteal muscles, which can help to add volume and definition to the area. In addition, the procedure can also help to lift and shape the buttocks, providing a more youthful appearance.

Breast Reduction

At our facility, we often combine a breast reduction procedure with a short lift in order to give the breasts a more youthful appearance. The surgery involves making an incision around the areola, then vertically down the center of the breast. Excess tissue is removed, and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a smaller, lifted breast.

The short lift procedure entails making a small incision along the crease underneath the breast. Through this incision, we can tighten the skin and reposition the nipple-areola complex to a higher position on the breast mound. This combination of techniques provides our patients with beautiful, natural-looking results.

Get the Body You’ve Always Wanted

The decision to get plastic surgery ultimately depends on a number of factors, including physical and psychological readiness, medical necessity, and personal preference. In general, however, we recommend that patients should be at least 18 years old before considering any type of elective cosmetic procedure. Visit Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida at our main office in Hollywood, FL, to discuss whether or not surgery is right for you.

Yoav Barnavon, MD, FACS

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