Curvy bodies are beautiful, but large breasts can be frustrating and uncomfortable for those who have them. Breast reduction procedures are a solution to the pain and discomfort that large breasts can cause. Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida offers breast reduction in Hollywood, FL. Think you might be a good candidate for the procedure? Here are three reasons to consider getting a breast reduction.
1. Your Back and Neck Hurt
Large breasts are heavy, and that means they can throw off your center of gravity over time. Women with large breasts often experience significant chronic pain and misalignment in the spine because their breasts pull their chest forward. This misalignment in your back can also cause nerve and muscle pain in the rest of your body. If you are consistently experiencing pain due to your large breasts, a breast reduction can make your body more proportionate and your life much more comfortable.
2. You Have Trouble Finding Clothes That Fit
When your breasts are very large in proportion to the rest of your body, it can be very difficult to find clothes that fit and are flattering. It can also be hard to find bras that provide you with the support you need. This may not seem like a big deal, but this can interfere with work, exercise, and your social life. You shouldn’t have to compromise your lifestyle just because of your body shape.
3. Exercising is Uncomfortable
Another downside of having very large breasts is that exercising can be uncomfortable. If you can’t exercise without pain or discomfort from your breasts, this is a good sign that you should consider a breast reduction.
Consult the professionals at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida to learn more information about breast reduction in Hollywood, FL. Contact us today to arrange an appointment!