Perhaps you’ve always been slender but have had trouble whittling your waist back to what it was after having children. Maybe you have lost quite a bit of weight and are proud of your achievement – but not so happy when you see your abdomen. If your tummy area is a point of frustration for you every time you look in the mirror or try on clothes, it may be time to consider a tummy tuck at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida.
What is a Tummy Tuck?
The procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, removes skin and tightens muscles to create a sleeker abdomen. There are several reasons why it can be challenging to achieve a flat tummy; hereditary changes, aging, pregnancy, prior surgery, and excessive weight gain and loss can stretch out the skin and weaken the abdominal muscles.
Who is the Right Candidate?
Those who have a lot of weight to lose, or who may want to carry a pregnancy in the future, should not undergo this procedure. It is also not advised for those who smoke. A tummy tuck is best for someone in good health who is able to maintain a good weight. It is also important to have realistic expectations about your results.
Our surgeon can review your medical history and discuss with you any medical conditions, past surgeries, your medication regimen, and your goals for the surgery. We will also evaluate your overall general health to ensure you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck.
If a tummy tuck is right for you, the procedure will leave you with a flatter, more toned abdominal region. The changes will be fully realized once you have recovered.
Find out if a tummy tuck is a good solution for you. Schedule a consultation at Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida in Hollywood. Contact us today to book your appointment!