A “facelift” is known in clinical jargon as a rhytidectomy and is done to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face as well as other signs of aging. The goal of the procedure is to improve the appearance of the face and jaw. At Plastic Surgery Specialists of South Florida, located in Hollywood, FL., our philosophy is to lift, not stretch, the face. Our state-of-the-art technique includes repositioning sagging facial skin in a vertical, anti-gravity vector, allowing us to avoid the artificial look that can arise from lower-quality procedures.
During a traditional facelift Hollywood procedure, a surgeon will lift and tighten the underlying muscles of the face, thereby creating more aesthetically pleasing contours and rejuvenating the patient’s facial structure. Excess pockets of fat and skin that contribute to an aged, tired-looking appearance are removed as well, leaving the patient with a much tighter, younger-looking visage.
Who Is a Candidate for Surgery?
This procedure can be incredibly effective at improving your appearance and boosting your self-confidence. However, it isn’t the best option for everyone out there. Some may find that they’re able to achieve their goals with other treatments, such as microdermabrasion or a chemical peel. Others may want to combine their surgery with additional procedures on their neck or brow. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to understand the possibilities that surgery can offer.
To be a good candidate, it’s critical that you have a thorough understanding of the benefits and limitations of the procedure and are able to closely follow both pre and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. During your initial consultation, a medical professional will advise you as to whether or not you’re a good candidate or if there’s an alternate procedure that might be better for you and your specific needs.
Which Traits Make Someone a Good Candidate for Surgery?
Most ideal candidates for surgery share several important traits. While the following list is not exhaustive, it does include a number of important factors regarding your candidacy for surgery.
Being Well-Informed
To be a good candidate for surgery, you need a solid understanding of what the surgery can accomplish and what its limitations are. After your consultation with one of our medical professionals, you will know exactly what the procedure can do for you, what it can’t, and how best to move forward.
Good General Health
The healthier you are, the better a candidate will you be. Make sure to inform your surgeon of any preexisting medical conditions well in advance of your procedure. The existence of a preexisting condition does not necessarily preclude you from surgery, but it’s important to notify your surgeon so as to avoid any potential complications down the line.
It’s essential that, as a good candidate, you be physically prepared for surgery and not suffering from any conditions, even temporary ones, that could jeopardize your health.
Skin Elasticity
To be considered an ideal candidate for the procedure, it’s important to have skin that retains some of its natural suppleness, flexibility, and elasticity. During the procedure, the surgeon will be tightening your facial skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and healing depends on having skin with properties that allow it to conform to its new, improved contours and angles.
A Strong Bone Structure
A strong facial bone structure that is well-defined provides support to the post-surgical skin and contributes to more satisfying results. Those who have less distinct features can still be great candidates for surgery and may also benefit from additional procedures such as facial implants.
Loose Skin
Usually found on the face or the neck, loose skin can easily be trimmed by your surgeon during the procedure. A common desire among candidates is to remove excess skin from the face or neck, simultaneously reducing the appearance of wrinkles from the face and neck and tightening the skin.
Can Men Get Facelift Surgery?
Historically, this procedure has been sought primarily by women to achieve a younger-looking, more youthful appearance. However, it isn’t just for women. Men with the desire to turn back the clock on aging and achieve a younger, rejuvenated look can also be excellent candidates for rhytidectomy.
As a matter of fact, over the past decade, the number of procedures performed on men has gone up significantly. The steps are pretty much the same for both men and women, and facelift Hollywood performed on men has been shown to provide the same fantastic cosmetic results as those performed on women.
How Much Does the Procedure Cost?
The cost of the procedure can vary pretty widely and depends on a variety of factors including the surgeon who performs the procedure, the region it takes place, and other factors.
The Type of Procedure
There is more than one type of procedure, and they’re all designed to address certain signs of aging and thereby improve the appearance of the facial features being targeted. For the most part, a traditional procedure will cost more than a mini or mid facelift Hollywood since both of those procedures are faster and require smaller incisions.
The Type of Anesthesia
There are a few different types of anesthesia available, and patients can sometimes have the option of choosing between local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or full sedation. Full sedation tends to be the most costly, and individual anesthesiologists will have varying fees.
Technique Used
As technology advances, new methods of performing the procedure (such as endoscopic facelifts) are developed. New, advanced techniques may have a higher cost than traditional procedures.
Additional Treatments or Procedures
A lot of patients prefer to combine their procedures with additional surgical procedures to achieve greater results.
What Happens at the Consultation?
Once you give us a call and make an appointment to meet with one of our surgeons, you will be given a thorough examination. The doctor will determine whether a facelift is a suitable procedure for you by considering your health history, skin type, and other factors – including your goals for treatment. It’s extremely important that you’re honest with your doctor at your consultation-especially as it pertains to your medical and health history.
It’s at this first appointment that your doctor will probably bring up the issue of smoking. Being a smoker does not exclude you from being a candidate for the procedure, though it can raise the risks of plastic surgery and slow healing. If you smoke, vape, use smokeless tobacco, or anything else, make sure you tell your doctor at the consultation.
What Types Are There?
One of the most important things you and your doctor will determine at your initial consultation is the type of procedure that works best for you. It’s critical to consider the specific areas you want to target, the length of recovery associated with each type of procedure, and what your expectations are regarding your post-procedure appearance.
Traditional Full Facelift
The traditional full facelift is the procedure that offers the most comprehensive results. Having this procedure done allows your doctor to address creases below the eyes, sagging around the cheeks, laugh/frown lines around the mouth, excess fat and skin under the chin, jowls, and in other places.
The incisions are placed just behind the hairline starting near the temples and around the front of the ear. Your surgeon will reposition the deeper tissues beneath the skin of your face and neck to smooth creases, eliminate jowling (if any) as well as any additional sagging beneath the chin, and restore a naturally youthful contour to your face and neck.
Mid Facelift
This procedure is effective at lifting and tightening the tissues below the eyes and around the cheeks. To perform the procedure, the doctor creates incisions that are similar to those used in a traditional procedure, with the exception that mid facelift incisions are deeper than those of a traditional surgery. Deeper incisions allow your surgeon to lift muscles that are normally not touched during a traditional procedure. It’s also possible for your surgeon to use fat grafting or facial implants to enhance the contours of your face and create more defined cheekbones in patients who want them.
Despite the use of deeper cuts, a mid facelift Hollywood does not address as many areas as a traditional procedure and is therefore usually used by men and women in their 30s or 40s who are looking to rejuvenate their appearance.
Mini Facelift
Often referred to as a “weekend facelift,” this procedure involves smaller incisions and shorter recovery time than both traditional and mid facelift Hollywood FL procedures. The mini procedure targets a small area, typically consisting of the jaw, lower cheeks, and neck. The incisions are located along the hairline and behind the ear. It is through these incisions that the doctor will lift the muscles, remove unwanted fat deposits, and eliminate any excess skin. Much like the mid facelift, this procedure is often used by younger patients looking for facial rejuvenation.
What Does Recovery Include?
Recovery time will vary somewhat from patient to patient depending on the type of procedure chosen (as well as additional procedures, if any) and the fact that some people heal slightly faster than others.
The Day of the Procedure
As the anesthesia wears off, the patient may feel a little cold, but this is fleeting and typically subsides quickly. The patient’s face is usually wrapped in bandages and there may be one or two drainage tubes, depending on the type of procedure done. In patients who have tubes, can expect drainage for up to 48 hours and will be provided with explicit instructions regarding the care and cleaning of the drainage tubes.
Often, surgeons will ask patients to come in the day after the procedure for a checkup. This allows the doctor to carefully monitor the patient’s recovery.
The First Week
During the first week, patients should focus primarily on recovery and avoid overly strenuous tasks or activities. At the same time, it’s important not to be overly sedentary. For some, taking a walk around the room every few hours will be beneficial in stimulating blood flow and preventing clotting.
After 5 to 7 days, most patients will be asked to return to their doctor’s office to have the stitches removed. At this appointment, any additional instructions regarding procedure recovery will be given by their doctor.
A Traditional Facelift-The Ultimate Rejuvenator
A traditional facelift Hollywood includes incisions behind the hairline, around the temples, and behind the ears. It addresses deep creases around the eyes, sagging cheeks, laugh/frown lines around the mouth, excess fat under the skin and on the neck, and more. Using the same incisions, a surgeon can remove or redistribute fat around the face, add implants, and create a tighter, more youthful-looking you.